Legionella Monitoring

Guarding against Legionella with ADM Monitoring Systems

The ADM GeneSys Web Wireless Monitoring System is versatile and can be configured for many tasks including reducing the risk from Legionella.

Legionella bacteria multiply where temperatures are between 20-45°C and nutrients are available. The bacteria is dormant below 20°C and does not survive above 60°C. – subsequently the primary method used to control the risk from Legionella is water temperature monitoring.

Legionnaires Disease (a form of atypical pneumonia) can be fatal. Reducing the risk from the disease in establishments where water and water droplets or spray is prevalent is made simpler by the ADM GeneSys System.  Download our brochure on water temperature and Legionella monitoring here.

GeneSysWeb System Components

Further detailed information on the components that make up the GeneSys Web System can be found below.



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